If any of us ask what we understand for International Cooperation, we think in collaboration process to solve a particular situation in relation with access and enjoyment of same right between organizations from differents countries, International Cooperation has a long tradition in our country and everybody can think in examples like make schools, medical centers, etc.
When we contextualize these actions in the Rights Perspective, the concept is more complex. Because it needs a change of paradigm of the Spanish organizations (in this case), we don’t move to make an concrete action to try to solve some situation at this moment, if not that we insert in the process that has like final goal the empowerment of the organization where the actions are doing, and we are partner, support, we help to the process.
To this is added the Gender Perspective, in this context, any process of development affect in the same way to woman than man, so we have to include specifics measures to guarantee the equity in the access to the development and the impact of this development has in the community.
The intersectionality is a term that in 1989 the activist and academic Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw started to use. It is a focus about that people live multiple identities, we belong to a community or social group at the same time, in a globalised world like this a concrete person can be woman, migrant, belong to a minority religion, and has a sexual orientation no normative.
The intersectionality bring some situations to the people suffers discriminations based on a set of variables ( biology categories, socials and culturals like gender, ethnic, social class, disability, sexual orientation, religion, lineage, age, nationality and other aspects of identity) that combine uniquely and make necessary an a detailed analysis that allows establishing measures that guarantee equity in access to development.
Getting a reference the Right Perspective, the Gender Perspective and the intersectionality to evident affirm that any process of development have the same impact in normative and non normative about sexuality and affectivity, gender identity or corporalities.
We affirmed that in a world where the norm is heterosexual, cisgender and binary, the dissident people support more Rights vulnerability, and from International Cooperation, that is our field of activity, we cannot ignore this reality.
In the State Homophobia inform edited by ILGA – International Association of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals and Intersex- (2017), it is cited: There are 72 States that classify like States that criminalize consensual sexual relations between adult people with same sex. We include Egypt, where these kind of sexual relations are severely criminalize. We observe that in 45 of these States (24 in Africa, 13 in Asia, 6 in America and 2 in Oceania) these norms as well men as women are criminalize. While there are organizations, organisms and public institutions that show them worry for the situation of DSG in the world, get attention to how the majority of Non-Governmental Organization to the Development (ONGD) from Spanish State has not consider any diversity in its analysis or practice.
There are too many studies that show the dimension of these vulnerabilities based on the sexual orientation, gender identity or corporalities diversity. Among them we can cite the CIDH Inform (Inter-American Human Rights Commission): Violence against LGTBI people, according to CIDH observed that during the period of fifteen months (between January 2013 and March of 2014), happened almost 770 acts of violence against LGBT people, included 594 murder.
It is for that we defend that we have to include the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Corporalities Diversity to the Gender perspective in all process of International Cooperation, with the goal to guarantee that these impact equitable in the people, and the context where are development belong to free space of discrimination.
It is a responsibility of, both the Public Administrations, and the Social Organizations, this reality of an active form, both in its policies, as in its strategies and actions, within the field of the International Cooperation for Development.